Code Reviews

Complete Code Review

€ 5.000,-

This code review is focused on security. This review will allow you to tell whether all security requirements have been met. Are the used mechanisms the right ones and have they been implemented correctly? Review of all external interactions is also an important part in the code review.

SecureApps has the know-how to perform code reviews for iOs, Android and Windows Phone. The price mentioned will pay for the review of one code-base. If a mobile app has been developed for both iOs and Android two reviews are necessary.

Multiple Platforms

The biggest issue in developing mobile apps is that most of the time you need to develop for multiple platforms. To reach enough of your target audience you will have to develop for at least Android and iOs. All platforms use their own APIs, have different architectures and different development patterns. The results of a review on an Android app will tell you almost nothing about the same app developed for iOs. Two reviews need to be performed.

Having enough in-house knowledge and experience is hard. Only the big companies have enough resources and even they have problems finding the right people. SecureApps can help you here. Together with our professionals you will be able to build safe and secure applications which people can trust. It will also help to give your own professionals more know-how when it comes to secure apps.

Web Services and the Cloud

Many mobile apps need data from your servers to be able to offer their services. You might use cloud services for this or maintain your own servers. When this data is important, securing it is important as well. Customer data, data protected by legislation, intellectual property or gaming credits are just some examples. Sometimes you don’t even realize the importance of your own data. It won’t be the first time mobile apps are leaking data.

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